Cooking Through the Age of Revolution

Cooking Through the Age of Revolution

What can food tell us about history? This expedition explores the conditions that led to the age “Age of Revolutions,” the major events that took place during these revolutions and the aftermath.


We will be cooking a variety of different meals to understand the history of food as it relates to that particular culture and its revolution as well as how it was influenced by other cultures. Based on your research and session lessons,  you will be writing and delivering a revolutionary speech, designing a revolution poster and creating a metaphorical “recipe for a revolution” based on facts from a particular revolution of your choice. What did this revolution have to make it successful?


Important Information: This expedition is the Cycle 2 ELA/World History B Pathways option


Essential Questions

  • What do revolutions have in common and what makes them successful or not?

  • When does conflict lead to revolution? 

  • How does the individual influence world events?

  • How does technological change affect people, places, and regions?

  • What assumptions do different groups hold about power, authority, governance and law?

Learning Objectives

  • To create an engaging and inspiring speech by a revolutionary in the French Revolution.

  • To create a literal and metaphorical “recipe” for a revolution as well as bake a “revolutionary cookie” 

  • To demonstrate an understanding of the causes and effects of the French Revolution.

  • To demonstrate an understanding of why revolutions are successful or not.

  • To compare and contrast the conditions of 18th C. France to our current day problems of hunger and homelessness.