Philosophy of AI
What would the world's most important philosophers, from ancient Greece to modern day, say about ChatGPT? Biased algorithms? Facial recognition software? Find out! Armed with our new understanding of ethics, our driving question will be: how can we help people understand the ethical considerations of AI software before they adopt it?
Does this video make you uncomfortable? It should. In this expedition, we will analyze and evaluate A.I. technologies through the lens of philosophical frameworks. Together we will explore foundational philosophical concepts and apply them to real-world A.I. apps, evaluating the potential risks and benefits of these technologies and the big questions they invite. The units can be flexed depending on need. The units can apply depending on student project/reading choices:Ancient WorldEpistemology and Metaphysics, Pt 2Ethics and Political Philosophy, Pt 1Extensions: Expository
Essential Questions
How does artificial intelligence force us to question ideas about the nature of humanity?
Who/what benefits from and has access to A.I., who does not, and what ethical considerations does this present?
How can we evaluate new A.I. technologies through ethical frameworks?
Learning Objectives
Analyze and evaluate A.I. technologies through ethical and philosophical frameworks and questions.
Analyze philosophical texts to gain understanding of A.I.’s ethical and philosophical quandaries.
Construct well-researched arguments targeted to a specific audience.