Let's Jam: The Math of Music | Part 1: Science of Sound (Precalculus)

Let's Jam: The Math of Music | Part 1: Science of Sound (Precalculus)

A lot of people make music, but who really MAKES their own MUSIC? 


Unearth the fascinating intersection of music, math, and physics in this expedition. In this project, you will not merely play music - you will engineer it, unraveling the principles behind every note we hear.

Step into the captivating world of electricity and magnetism to understand how electromagnetic waves make up the music we love. We'll examine the role of electronic circuits in creating, controlling, and amplifying these sounds.

Essential Questions

  • What are the key characteristics of trigonometric functions?

  • How are trigonometric functions transformed?

  • What is an asymptote and how is it determined?

  • What is sound?

  • How are variations in wave properties observed?

Learning Objectives

  • Graph trigonometric functions.

  • Analyze graphs of trigonometric functions, including identifying key values and features.

  • Identify and define asymptotes.

  • Graph inverse trigonometric functions.

  • Solve trigonometric functions.

  • Distinguish between electromagnetic and mechanical waves, and describe their different properties.