Going the Distance...Going for Speed (Calculus)
Calling all inventors and engineers!
Understanding how things move, whether designing a thrilling (but safe) water slide or the world’s most complicated Rube Goldberg machine, is critical for success. Dive into the world of derivatives to see how calculus drives motion in our world.
Essential Questions
- How are derivatives defined and calculated in functions?
- Why would the chain, product, or quotient rule be chosen for use in finding a derivative of a particular function?
- How is differentiation used to solve various kinds of problems?
- Why are derivatives helpful in solving optimization and related rates problems?
- What is the Mean Value Theorem and how can it be applied in real-world scenarios?
Learning Objectives
Students will be able to…
Derivatives of Exponential Functions
Derivatives of Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions
Derivatives of Polynomials
Derivatives of Radical Functions
Derivatives of Rational Functions
Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions
Finding Derivatives Using the Chain Rule
Finding Derivatives Using the Product Rule
Finding Derivatives Using the Quotient Rule
Extreme Value Theorem
L’Hospital’s Rule
Local Linearity and Approximation
Mean Value Theorem
Solving Optimization Problems
Solving Related Rates Problems
Using Differentiation to Solve Motion Problems