Wardrobe Crisis: The Stain of Fast Fashion

Wardrobe Crisis: The Stain of Fast Fashion

In this expedition, students will investigate the environmental and humanitarian problems caused by the fast fashion industry.


In this expedition, students will investigate the environmental and humanitarian problems caused by the fast fashion industry. We will learn how to upcycle our clothes using techniques such as natural dyes and sewing patchwork onto shirts and jeans. Lastly, for the duration of the expedition, we will make a pact with one another not to buy any new clothing or shoes!! Think you are up for the challenge?! 🧶♻️🧵

Essential Questions

  • What are the positive and negative effects of globalization?
  • How does our consumer culture affect our buying decisions?
  • Why is “fast fashion” dangerous to ourselves and our planet?

Learning Objectives

  • To think critically about the impacts of the fast fashion industry.
  • To analyze maps and data to understand the journey of our clothes.
  • To develop ways to combat the fast fashion industry through environmental and social activism.