If Rocks Could Talk

If Rocks Could Talk

If rocks could talk, oh the stories they would tell!


If rocks could talk, oh the stories they would tell! Have you ever looked out your bedroom window and wondered what the world looked like thousands, millions, or even billions of years ago?

Essential Questions

  • What are the basic units of rocks and what makes different rocks unique?
  • How do scientists know the ages of rocks?
  • What can rocks tell us about the past?
  • How is the periodic table organized?

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to…

  • Describe the structure and function of atoms and subatomic particles.
  • Explain and identify isotopes and their characteristics.
  • Describe the arrangement and organization of the Periodic Table, including physical and chemical properties of certain types of matter.
  • Explain the concept of ‘deep time’ and identify major events in the history of the Earth.
  • Explain how rocks change as they go through the rock cycle.
  • Identify the major types and subtypes of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks and explain their environments of formation.
  • Define and explain the relationship between atoms, minerals, and rocks.
  • Explain and apply the principles of relative dating and Uniformitarianism to interpret the history of a cross-section.
  • Explain and model how radioactive decay is used to determine the age of rocks.
  • Identify the common isotopes used in radiometric dating to find the absolute age of rocks and explain why they are used to date rocks of various ages.