Sora Journal

Behind the Scenes: Yearbook Committee Q&A

By Sora Schools

Student committees from Sora’s middle and high school campuses worked with Jane Castro, Student Experience Manager, and collaborated to come up with a creative, fun, and reflective yearbook with a comic book theme. 

Learn more about the committee member experiences in this interview with Emery and Mya from the middle school committee and Lotta and Ezra from the high school committee.  

What pages are you most proud of as a committee member? 

Emery: I am most proud of the pet pages, because we got so many submissions! 

Mya: The pages that I designed this year that I'm most proud of were the Ask An Expert pages (which I made with Lexi) and the IRL Meetups page!

Ezra: As a yearbook committee member, I am most proud of creating the pets page, as well as getting to know and working with my peers. It was a really fun experience to collaborate on and contribute to.

Lotta: Some of my favorites are the “Our Sora Stories,” “Experts Feature,” and “A special thanks” pages. Collecting data for Sora Stories was quite fun and putting it all together with graphs and quotes looks nice. I’m glad we were able to collect some meaningful quotes from experts. Additionally, I’m so glad that we were able to (very quickly!!!) make a page dedicated to Jane, as she deserves the recognition!

Have you learned any new skills as a member of the Yearbook Committee? 

Emery: I got to explore new styles on Canva because I never did a comic book theme before.

Mya: Skills I've improved from being on the Yearbook Committee include my ability to work with others and compromise, and I also just got better at using Canva in general!

Lotta: I did not expect to learn as much as I did in the Yearbook Committee. I gained some knowledge on designing pages, especially with a comic book theme, such as finding ways to make pages look understandable yet full of information was a helpful skill. Also, I got a lot better at working with people because I had to communicate well with others and find solutions together! I did not expect to learn time management skills in this committee, but I did! We did not have a ton of time to work on the yearbook, so I had to figure out what to prioritize and how to collect data in a quick manner. These are a few reasons why I would recommend the yearbook committee to anyone!

What’s your favorite part of this year’s yearbook theme? 

Emery: I loved doing the comic book style because there were so many opportunities where we could incorporate it into the yearbook pages, it was also so unique, and a perfect style for the Sora yearbook!

Ezra: My favorite part of designing the yearbook with a comic theme was getting to add all of the little special effects. All of the action bubbles were so fun to play with, as were the colorful text and backgrounds.

What was your favorite part about being on the Yearbook Committee?

Lotta: My favorite part of working with the Yearbook Committee is being able to work with so many kind people on something that is very new to me. I have never worked on a yearbook before, and although it was a little stress-inducing, it was super fun and so worth it. I am very grateful for the other committee members, and all the students and Experts who helped us get data. I am super excited for next year's yearbook!!

Ezra: Overall, the experience of being on the yearbook committee was super fun, and I will totally be joining again next year for more fun!