Sora Journal

Introducing Sora Journal!

By Chris Wilson

Dear Sora Community Members,

We are thrilled to share the inaugural edition of the Sora Journal.  This period newsletter includes exciting news about student achievements and program highlights, links to our students newspaper (The Sora Star) and literary magazine (the Inkwell), news and notes about our curriculum, and even a few Sora company announcements.  

We hope the Journal will be your source for learning more about what our students are doing, how we are living and growing our mission, and the incredible ways the Sora program grows and changes with students as they build toward high school, into their mentorship and capstone programs, and beyond. 

As you will notice, the content of this publication is almost all driven by our students–what they have accomplished and want to highlight.  And I very much hope that all of our students will embrace the chance to share their work and that of their peers and build an even more exciting learning culture at Sora.  We will all have the opportunity to participate in the Journal as we continue to build it out each cycle.

I speak for everyone on our team in wishing you the best as you continue this first cycle of the new school year, and I hope you enjoy this publication as much as I have.

Chris Wilson
Head of Schools