A (LEGO) Day in the Life at Sora
By Jack P.

I have always loved LEGO. I’ve been building sets since I was five years old and hope to be a LEGO designer one day.
In the summer of 2020, I took an online summer camp on how to create stop motions. It was one of my favorite things I have ever done and by the end of it, I had created a few short LEGO movies!
At the beginning of last year, I decided to take my passion one step further and started a YouTube channel where I post my LEGO animations. My goal was to succeed on the platform while staying true to myself and not resorting to formulaic YouTube approaches, like asking people to “like and subscribe” and other stereotypical influencer stuff. I am proud to say that in the first year of my channel, I have made over 150 animations, and amassed 450 subscribers.
I have been so excited to be able to take this passion and utilize it at Sora. During an expedition last year called “Let them eat cake!,” my expert, Lauren, allowed me to expand the project and create a LEGO animation about the French Revolution.
I hope to utilize animation in upcoming projects too. Overall, I would say LEGO has played a monumental role in my life, and I can’t wait to see where it takes me next!