Sora Family in the News - North Carolina
By Sora Schools
Cheryl Marler, a current Sora parent, spoke with NBC 17 in North Carolina about the impact Sora Schools has had on her daughter.
“Around 2nd grade, I noticed that she was having more trouble with getting distracted,” said Cheryl. She knew traditional school was not fitting her daughter’s needs, and she found Sora.
“I think that it encourages curiosity and makes learning more interesting. I can definitely see that benefitting, really, anybody.”
Garrett Smiley, CEO and Co-Founder of Sora was also interviewed in the segment and described some exciting expeditions like “How to Build a Martian Society” that are offered as opposed to traditional chemistry or math class.
Cherly’s daughter is enjoying her interdisciplinary classes. “Her Humanities is 'Dream Vacation,' so she’s learning about how to create an itinerary, learning about other cultures, what it would take to actually go on a vacation, and learning about how to actually write persuasively and write an argument to then actually go on the vacation,” said Cheryl.
Cheryl described the biggest difference she has seen in her daughter since starting school at Sora. “She’s less stressed and she’s sleeping better, so she looks healthier, sounds healthier.”