Sora Journal

Sora Referral Program

By Sora Schools

As Sora grows, we look forward to welcoming more families who share our mission. And that's where we need your help – finding families whose students would thrive in Sora’s educational environment, just like yours.

We invite you to extend a personal invitation to any families you believe would be a great fit for Sora Schools.

You can find your personal referral code in Sora Home. Below is a screenshot showing where to find it once you are logged in.

Exclusive benefits

After sharing your personalized referral page link with other families, they can book a call for exclusive consultation with our Admissions team and personal guidance and support through the admissions process. We want your friends to feel genuinely cared for as they explore everything our school and community offer.

How to invite new families

Step 1: Open your personalized page using your unique link

Step 2: Copy and share the link via messages or email

Step 3: Contact your family and let them know about this unique opportunity

We couldn’t be more excited to welcome more families than ever to Sora!