Sora Journal

Sora Talks: Love and Limits

By Sora Schools

Sora Talks is a series of empowering conversations for thoughtful parents and educators. You can view the full recording of Dr. Rebecca Hershberg’s talk on Love and Limits below. 


Parents and caregivers of tweens and teens understand the unique challenges of navigating conflicts, pushback, and discipline. Join us for an empowering workshop that equips you with insights and effective strategies to foster healthy communication, build trust, and establish fulfilling relationships within your family during this transformative—though often tumultuous—time. Led by clinical psychologist, parenting coach, and author Dr. Rebecca Hershberg, this workshop provides a framework—Love and Limits—that simplifies and guides you through parenting moments that can feel overwhelming. Learn and ask questions about practical tools for resolving conflict peacefully, setting boundaries and expectations, addressing pushback, and strengthening the parent-child connection.

Speaker Bio

Dr. Hershberg is a clinical psychologist, parenting coach, author, and public speaker who has been helping parents with their kids (and vice versa) for more than two decades through her extensive work in private practice, schools, major medical centers, and community-based organizations. She obtained her B.A. from Yale University (summa cum laude), and PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Virginia.

Prior to founding her current practice, Dr. Hershberg served as the Director of Training and Quality for Healthy Steps at Children’s Hospital at Montefiore, a preventive mental health program that gained national and international attention for its integration of mental health professionals within primary care pediatrics. While at Montefiore, she held an assistant professorship in the Department of Pediatrics at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, where she taught both pediatric residents and medical students.

Dr. Hershberg has been published widely, including in The New York Times, and on Parents.Com and TODAY Parents. She has been featured as a guest on many podcasts, as well as on WAMC Public Radio and Good Day New York. Dr. Hershberg has a regular blog, “Parenting While Human” on Psychology Today, and her book, The Tantrum Survival Guide: Tune In to Your Toddler’s Mind (and Your Own) to Calm the Craziness and Make Family Fun Again (Guilford Press) was published in 2018 to widespread praise.

Dr. Hershberg currently lives in Dobbs Ferry, New York with her husband and two sons, both of whom keep her busier – though also smiling! – more than any of the above.