The Inkwell FAQ
By Ava Tyszkowski
What is The Inkwell?
The Inkwell is Sora’s high school literary and art magazine, featuring short-form written works and visual art created by Sora students centering around a common theme.
What is the Inkwell committee?
The Inkwell committee is a group of students who are committed to meeting biweekly and contributing at least one piece to the magazine per issue. Committee members have the opportunity to vote on magazine themes and collaborate with each other for ideas and feedback.
How can I join the Inkwell committee?
The Inkwell is open to new members for about two weeks immediately following a new issue release. For more information about the committee or to join, contact Ava Tyszkowski on Heartbeat!
Can I have my work published in the Inkwell without joining the committee?
Yes! We have a submission period of about a month immediately following the release of a new issue. Keep a lookout for the submission form to be released on Heartbeat or contact Ava Tyszkowski directly.
What can be published in the Inkwell?
The Inkwell is primarily a literary magazine for poems, short stories, and visual (2d) art. However, we will also accept other types of work including personal essays and articles as long as they fit the theme.