Sora Schools

Trends in Education • 2024

Trend 03

Learning Unleashed

VR/AR Breaks
Free from the
Classroom Walls

The educational landscape is poised for change through the use of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). The much-anticipated launch of Apple's Vision Pro spatial computing headset is set to redefine and act as a catalyst for AR and VR adoption. We anticipate that the buzz generated by Vision Pro will attract a new wave of entrepreneurs and immersive content creators bolstering the AR and VR industry. This surge in interest is likely to benefit more technologically advanced yet affordable solutions, making them increasingly accessible to educational institutions.

AR can overlay digital information onto the physical world, providing a unique, interactive learning experience. This technology can be particularly effective in subjects like science and history, where visualizing complex processes or events enhances understanding and retention.

The potential of AR and VR in education is vast. It promises to offer students immersive learning experiences that were once the stuff of science fiction. Imagine students entering virtual environments where they can conduct experiments in fully simulated laboratories or explore ancient civilizations as if walking through them in real-time. Such experiences bring depth to learning, making abstract concepts tangible.

Consulting firm PwC published research on the advantages of using VR for learning. The findings showed that 40% of VR learners are more confident in applying what they’ve been taught and 150% more engaged. In addition, VR was found to be 400% faster than classroom-based learning.

Apps like Sky Guide on Vision Pro allows users to explore a virtual representation of the night sky to identify stars, planets, constellations, and satellites. 

The implications of VR and AR in education extend beyond just engagement. They have the potential to democratize learning by providing equal access to high-quality educational resources, regardless of geographical or socio-economic barriers.

Uncharted Waters

However, the integration of VR and AR in education is not without challenges. The cost of technology, the need for robust infrastructure, and ensuring equitable access are significant hurdles. There are also the challenges of developing content that is both educationally valuable and engaging. Schools and teachers must be equipped with the skills to effectively incorporate these technologies into their pedagogical methodologies. While these technologies undoubtedly hold possibilities for connecting across time and distance, they require schools to manage, support, and train students and faculty to adopt and use unfamiliar physical devices.

Despite these challenges, we believe that VR and AR in education represent a monumental shift in how we approach learning. In 2024, we will see AR and VR technology more accepted in educational contexts, and it will become more affordable and accessible. We can expect to see a significant increase in its use within classrooms, enhancing the educational experience. This trend is not just about adopting new technologies; it's about reimagining the possibilities of education in a digitally-immersive world.

We are committed to integrating emerging technologies like AR and VR into our educational experience that can elevate students’ learning experiences, as we strive to familiarize our students with these advancements and enhance their educational journey.

Luis Munguia, Brand Director, Sora Schools

Our view at Sora

At Sora, we’ve reimagined school to be an experience, rather than a place; and AR/VR can assist us in taking this movement even further. We're actively investing in the research and development of AR and VR, including immersive content creation. Our specialized team, consisting of teachers, curriculum designers, and content creators is exploring AR and VR technologies to enrich our students' learning experiences.

VR/AR Expeditions Concept
Sora Schools