Final Application Deadline for fall 2024 is June 14. Limited spaces available - Apply Now!

Sora Schools

Middle School
Curriculum Overview

CEEB Code- 110355 Cognia Accredited
CEEB Code- 110355 Cognia Accredited

The Sora Middle School is an exploratory, nurturing, and community-building experience where students are exposed to various topics and disciplines and have numerous opportunities to expand on their passions. Exploration in middle school is foundational to strengthening critical academic and life skills to further build upon in future educational experiences.


The Middle School Curriculum is comprised of a series of academic Units that are re-visited during each year of the Middle School experience. Curricular units have been designed to provide experiences in key academic disciplines, building a foundation for deeper learning as these units are re-visited each year, and built upon in later educational experiences (high school and beyond). This model allows for spaced repetition of thematic topics and concepts, promoting long-term retention of skills and allowing students to build upon prior knowledge each year while maintaining a balanced and well-rounded academic experience.

Soft Skills

Sora Middle School students will practice core Abilities that will be integrated into every expedition. 10 demonstrations in each of the 7 abilities.

  • Effective Communication

  • Truth Seeking

  • Curiosity

  • Creativity

  • Self - Awareness

  • Empathy

  • Agency

Additional experiences

Students will select additional experiences covering various topics each year in the Sora Middle School.


We have a robust orientation process for all new students and their families to understand how to excel in our unique program. This includes a series of informative workshops, “foundations” expeditions, guided registration planning with your student’s advisor, and icebreaker events for students to bond with their new housemates.